Just tried to start up my copy of Ableton Live to get started with some music making on the Pc. My mac got an critical fan error so I have to let it rest until I fixed some new fans.
The ableton live suite is something different that I'm used to; so I take some time to study some videos before I start.
Got an tip on using the Rea-time Audio spectum analysator SPAN from Voxengo to be able to analyse crashes in frequencies. Will be fun to test... and it's free. From
VoxNego Span
onsdag 9 mars 2011
måndag 5 juli 2010
Love is a mixture of truth and illusion. The truth consists in the possibility that human beings can understand each other and live together, The illusion lies in the tendency of the mind, under the influence of passion, or insufficiency, to see other human beings in fictitious light. Human beings need each other, that is certain. There must be communication, and communication on the highest level. Can we share our visions of reality or are they available only to the solitary mind?
/Virginia Wolf... vis dam det där...
/Virginia Wolf... vis dam det där...
måndag 28 juni 2010
Annat skönt track..
Fick denna låt spammad till mig av upphovsmannen från Soundcloud... o han gjorde helt rätt att spamma den - blippar satans gott! Blir ju på gott humör! :)
Binary (Munga Rework) by DiscoMunga
Binary (Munga Rework) by DiscoMunga
Patrick Fridhs remixtävling
Patrick Fridh, aka Bitley kör en remixtävling där man får skapa valfritt spår baserat på soundsnippets från hans Fairlight-refill. Låter lite småkul; får hoppas man får lite tid över att sampa o bygga nått litet låtembryo.. all for the fun of it.
Länk till mixkit och regler.
Länk till mixkit och regler.
måndag 21 juni 2010
NI Pro 53

My absolutely favourite among the VST/Softsynths is the now discontinued PRO 53 from Native Instruments. It’s a emulation of the infamous Prophet 5, a synthesiser I personal wanted to own for 10-15 years now.
What is so great about this piece of software then? Well, the prophet 5 is fat - unbelievable fat in real to be honest. The rev 3 I tested sounded better than the old oberheims I tested.. so love is a small word for this beast. Ok, now we have the Prophet 8, new, stable and with midi and all other gadgets - and to an affordable price tag as well. But the Pro 5 is still a dream for me... Even if I buy myself a Pro 8 some day.. I will still long for a "real" 5. Why? I think it have to do with childhood dreams and the love of the sound... just say... Ruphert Hine, Icehouse, Nasa.. the prophet 5 is there.. fat as always.
The softsynth then? Ok, it sounds ok. Not at all close to the real thing.. but close enough to create sound that you can produce songs on your laptop with. The laptop will not produce the correct fatness nevertheless.. so softsynths are ok in the "development" phase. The GUI is as close to the original as one can wish for.. so it's pretty easy to get started making your own sounds. It's so similar to the original so you can use old patch shemes as well as SYSEX data - that's good!
I give it a strong 4 out of 5 for usability and stability. As all NI software, it's stable... on my setup anyway (Macbook Pro, MOTU Ultralight FW).
Empirical Labs - Distressor

Just a short link and some words about the much interesting Distressor effekt.
Have to try one of these beasts out sooner or later.. to be able to add more punch both to drums and to perc-sounds
Empirical Labs
PSP VintageWarmer2

Letar efter en kompressor ska ska ge lite extra punch åt trummorna. Läste en artikel av Covenant där Mr Sawtooth pratade om Distressor Distressor som en utmärkt ljudenhet. Kostar 10 000:- beggad och det är lite över min effektbudget just nu. Så letade lite på marknaden om det finns några intressanta emulatorer för Distressor-soundet. På Gear-slutz rekomenderade någon PSPs Vintagewarmer. Den har kommit i version 2 nu, så gratis plugin är nerladdad och ska testas. Återkommer med lite sound snippets när jag vet hur den fungerar :)
Länk till pluginen i fråga: http://www.pspaudioware.com/plugins/dynamic_processors/psp_vintagewarmer2/
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